Expanding the Scope

I used to think that metal and deathcore singers were shredding their vocal cords. I was wrong.

Recent research has begun to show that singers can growl/scream/add grit without incurring damage, AND that understanding how these “harsh” sounds are healthily made could improve “clean” singing technique…

…but we’ve only just begun. 

While healthy screaming is possible, we don’t have enough data from a wider population – we only have small studies. This is why The Charismatic Voice is getting involved – to help fund more research and assist in spreading updated knowledge.

We are launching a kickstarter to fund voice science. (if you haven’t already, check out information about our kickstarter here)

We have 6 professional singer-screamers who have volunteered their throats. You may know some of them… or all of them. We’ll announce their names very soon and update this page. 😉 

These singers are ready and willing to go through a barrage of tests, including putting cameras down their throats, measuring muscle activation, acoustic and respiratory analysis AND dynamic MRI – all of which we previously vetted in our pilot study with Will Ramos of Lorna Shore. 

We are working with the best team of vocal researchers in the world, through the University of Utah Health, some of whom helped to design these tests.

You can help make this science happen. 

What’s extra awesome about this kickstarter is that you can send your money to a great cause AND get awesome benefits – like access to more videos from The Charismatic Voice or feedback on your singing. 

We have a window of opportunity that has never before existed. This kind of research into “dirty” singing has been stigmatized in the past – but now the right people are ready to dig deep. We just need your help to make it possible.